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My work is displayed live at The Kress Emporium, The Amp Shop, and occasionally at coffee shops and salons in beautiful Asheville NC.

Visits to my studio are by appointment only. 

Commissioned Art Available

  • I would be happy to make something that matches your couch. 

  •  Let me create a celebration or memorial of a loved one's memorabilia. 

  • Below: Chain Saw Heart. In Memory of my adventurous, funny, loving, prankster brother, Ernie Kitson 1959-2013. All memorabilia  from Ernie's office and shop junk drawers. By Janice Kitson

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  • Below Right: Client's mother's jewelry crafted into a tree of life. 


© 2020 JANICE KITSON LCSW LCAS   828-273-3646

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